Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Day of the Evil Snowmen

Here's Brayden's new favorite hang out spot. This tree is in our front yard. He recently wrote a great story for school. I wanted to scan it in and post it, but my computer seems to be angry at my scanner. So, I finally just typed it up--exactly as written (read: spelling errors are his, not the typist). More for me to keep a record, but click here if you'd like to read it!


Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud (lol in textspeak) as I read the adventure of the evil snowman! What a kick! I imagined the battle as Calvin and Hobbes have fought similar winter zombies! But our Brayden was alone! And had to tackle the monsters single-handedly! Good grief! I'm so happy that my grandson was blessed with a brilliant mind. Who would have thought of loading a super-soaker of a squirt-weapon to bring down the enemy! Way to think, Brayden!

Keep up your entertaining writing! Love you and appreciate your mom sharing this! YAY! GrammaNae

amyburb said...

great story Brayden!